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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

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Jan 28, 2024 - JCHYK Gr. 10-12 (Sunday AM)

Hari Om everyone,

Below is what we covered in the class today.


We started the class with meditation and practiced Gita Chanting of Chapter 4

We continued with the summary of Chapter 2 of Bhagavad Gita where Lord starts consoling Arjuna giving the highest knowledge of Self. Later he tells Arjuna to fight the war from his dharma perspective asking him to get up from his fallen state and act. Any action (Karma) binds a person; hence one should act in the spirit of Karma yoga without the desire for fruits of action.

karmay-evādhikāras te mā phalehu kadāchana
mā karma-phala-hetur bhūr mā te sa
go 'stvakarmai

With a review of the above verse from last class, we had a discussion of whether Karma yoga is practical in this world. Is taking care of one's needs not important when there is a situation where one's action will benefit oneself vs greater community?

Students were divided in their point of view.

Karma yoga purifies the mind and the pressure of Vasanas (impressions) gets reduced. With constant practice of this we would make significant progress and experience the perspective of greater good. Ultimately a quitened mind is ready for contemplation on higher Self.

One should not get attached to inaction seeing emptiness in the verse. Laziness is one of the biggest enemies of a person. In life it is hard work that pays alone.

"Success is 1 % inspiration and 99% perspiration"

"If you rest, you rust!"

The value of work (any field) is measured by the idea that inspires us to do it. The quality of action improves if we have a goal and if we adopt higher ideals to inspire our work.

Students were asked about their short term and long-term goals including their ideals. If they do not have a goal, it is high time they start setting one!!

We later had a discussion on "Man of liberation" who having given up fruits of action reaches the abode of higher. Stories from life of Buddha were discussed as examples.

A tortoise at a sense of danger withdraws its limbs and head into its shell. Similarly, a Man of perfection disciplines himself so well that his senses and mind are always in his control.

This ease is not with us now and we fall prey to the enchantments of objects which results in tragedies,

We discussed the sequence of " Ladder of Fall" which can be remembered as "DA DA DA DA"

1.     D- Dwell (thinking of the object)

2.     A – Attach (attachment to the object)

3.     D – Desire (desire to possess the object)

4.     A – Anger (desire not fulfilled leading to anger)

5.     D- Delusion (result is total delusion)

6.     A- Amnesia (loss of memory)

7.     D- Destruction of Intellect

8.    A- Anhilation (man perishes)

It all starting simple – By thinking of an object!

Students asked -at the step 4, when the desire is fulfilled, will it not stop the fall? Answer is :No, since acquiring the object is not an end to the desire. Mind is full of vices. The inner greed pops up and brings us back to the ladder.

At what stage is it easy to stop this fall?

At stage 1 and 2 it is much easier. We talked about the dual path sheryas vs preyas (path of good vs path of pleasant). The path of goodness is unpleasant at first but brings happiness and fulfillment later. Hence stop the fall here by right discrimination.

3 and 4 – requires more effort. One has to use sublimation method vs suppression and stop the fall

The later stages are more difficult and require lot more effort and divine intervention.


We presented students with "Game of Life" workshops questions which was taken up by Br.Akalka ji during Swami ji's Sampoorna Gita Yagna. We covered topics of Chapter 2 from the presentation.



Sirisha and Rashmi