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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

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Feb 11, 2024 - Grade 8 (Sunday AM)

Hari Om Parents, 

    We had one of the kid to lead the opening prayer. Since it was a superbowl Sunday, we had a brief discussion on the finalist football teams and moved on to discuss one of the game from NY Times called "Connections" - Group words using a common thread between them.

   Using post-it we depicted the game. We randomly placed the Mahabharata characters and traits in 4x4 on the white board ( teachers came prepared with what words & groups).

  The class was divided into 3 teams to play it. Each team took turns to solve one group of words and explained the rationale as to why those characters belonged to that group.

   Two groups were created in such a way where the kids needed a deep understanding of the characters. 

     Below are the words that were used to play. ( this was the final grouping). 

     It was a fun and little tensed moment for some of them as they were given the time limit to solve.

Next we moved to discuss with the same 3 teams taking turns to share their understanding of what is Dharma? based on so far what we learned. Continued on discussing more on Dharma and Sanatana Dharma

  • We discussed about the Dharma from "An Exposition by Swami Chinmayananda"Essential character that is in every single object and living being because of which the object/ living being continues to be that, without which the object/living being cannot continue to be that thing, is it's Dharma. 

  • Used the below items to discuss what each one's essential nature.

  1. Sugar 2) Salt

  • discussed the man's essential Dharma is to be divine; the Atma. By living Dharmic way in every stage of life would make every individual unfold to attain the divinity within them.

  • discussed how adharmic character like Ravana from Ramayanam and Hiranyakasipu from Bhagavatam ended with death even though they were powerful through penance and rituals due to their arrogance.

  • Discussed whether Dharma is/ should be followed by only Hindus/Indian origin? Some Kids  answered as No and said it's we discussed how it's applicable in all yugas. 

It was time for Geeta chanting, so all of us focused to chant and went to watch 9th grade play.


Class summary by  Parth Deshmukh(from 4th Feb 2024). Since 4th Feb class summary was sent already, adding here.

  • We got into groups that we formed last class to play a game about  scenes from Mahabharata and who and what the characters did.

Each scene was from the preparation of the war and how each side of the war the Pandavas and Kurvas.  

  • The first scene was when Arjuna and Duryudna both went to Krishna, however Duryodhana made it first by standing next to his head while he was resting. When Arjuna comes he stands near Krishna's. When Krishna wakes up he sees Arjuna first granting him the first wish for who will join their side of the war, himself, but he won't fight or wield any weapon or the Narayani Sena(his army). Arjuna picks Lord Krishna, and Duryodhana picks his army which he wanted from the start.  

  • Another scene was when Duryodhan tricks Nakula and Sahadeva's uncle (Shalya) by honor bounding him to serve Duryodhan as he gives Shalya hospitality without knowing the opposite side was treating him.

  •    I feel that Duryodhan was cheap for tricking Shalya, I feel this because he already had many people in his army, including many of the strongest and most known people, for example Bhishma. He did not have to trick Shalya to join their army. 


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