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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

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Feb 4, 2024 - Grade 7 (Sunday AM)

Hari OM Dear Families,

Here is this week's update.

Week : 15
4th Feb 2024 9:15AM

Class began with 3 OMs followed by

"Om Saha Navavatu" (page 8 in My Prayers book)
 Om shrI Ganeśaya Namaha,  shrI Saraswatyai Namaha,  shrI Sat Gurubhyo Namaha.
"Vakratunda Mahakaya" (page 27 in My Prayers book)
"Saraswati Namastubhyam" (
page 12 in My Prayers book)
"Gurur Brahma" (page 60 in My Prayers book)
 "Neelaam buja" & "SriRama Rama rameti" (page 129 My prayers book)

Now left with none of his famed warriors, family or otherwise, he went to battle with Rama.  At this opportune time, Indra sent his chariot along with the charioteer Matali, to help Rama. This was war beyond compare- both were phenomenal warriors, and the battle was very fierce. Rama cut off Ravana's head but another came up in its place! This happened several times and Rama was confounded. In a timely manner, Sage Agustya came and taught him the Aditya Hridaya Stotram, after chanting, Rama went to war with renewed energy. Matali now reminded Rama of the brahmastra, which upon being wielded by Rama, was successful in piercing Ravana's chest and killing him. The devas showered Rama from Heaven and praised him. The wives of Ravana wailed at his death, with Mandodari giving voice to her pent up sorrow at the thoughtless destruction of Lanka, the rakshasas and the resplendent Ravana himself. Rama instructed Vibhishana to perform Ravana's funeral rites. He also asked Lakshmana to formally crown Vibhishana the king of Lanka.
After this, Rama asked Vibhishana to get Sita to where he was. Sita was overjoyed with Vibhishana's message and wanted to go immediately, but Rama's orders were to have her bathe and change and meet him dressed royally. Sita did as Rama had asked and went to where Rama was. The place was overcrowded with vanaras eager to see them together and Sita shyly walked upto Rama. But his face was emotionless, stern even. He told her very formally that his duty to rescue her was complete. She was now free to choose her life. Sita, who had only ever thought of Rama, was broken hearted to hear this from Rama. She asked Lakshmana to build a fire, so she could give up her life. Lakshmana looked to Rama, unsure of how to proceed. On Rama's signaling, he went ahead and built a fire. Sita entered it and immediately Agni bhagavan came out of the fire, bearing Sita, glowing evermore. He testified to her purity and asked Rama to accept her. Brahma manifested and told Rama that he was indeed Vishnu and Sita was Lakshmi, both born on Earth to ensure the end of Ravana's terror. Dasharatha then appeared and declared his pride in Rama and Sita.  Blessed by all, Rama declared that he knew Sita to be pure, but had wanted to get the whole world to see her worth. Indra then appeared and praised Rama and asked to ask for a boon. Rama requested that all warriors who died for him  be restored back to life. Indra granted this and all the vanaras who had died or were injured were restored back to life and good health.
Vibhishana  asked Rama to stay in Lanka, but Rama's heart was already with Bharata. Vibhishana offered the Pushpaka Vimana for his travel. As everyone was eager to see Rama's coronation, all the vanaras, and Vibhishana boarded the vimana, along with Rama, Sita and Lakshmana. Rama retraced their path back to Ayodhya and showed the Sita all the sights and recounted all the stories of their exile. Stopping at Sage Bharadvaja's ashram before going to Ayodhya, Rama sent Hanuman ahead to gauge Bharata's state of mind. Bharata was emaciated, counting every moment to Rama's return. He embraced Hanuman and  instantly proceeded to meet Rama and bring him back to Ayodhya to be crowned king. The coronation of Rama was a grand event, with the whole world rejoicing. Rama ruled over Ayodhya in an exemplary manner, with all the citizens feeling safe and protected in Ram Rajya.

We also had a brief discussion on the stories of Uttara Kanda, including Rama's ultimate sacrifice of Sita, the birth of Lava and Kusha in Sage Valmiki's ashram and their eventual reuniting with Rama. 
This week we concluded the unit on Ramayana.

Activity - We had a quiz, where a real life situation was given and asked the children to relate any character or characters from the Ramayanam and their dealing as to the situation. Children had great ideas and were so spontaneous in bringing out their viewpoints as well as picking the appropriate character from Ramayanam to the given situation or in a similar state of mind.

Gita Timewe learned verse numbers 22 & 23 from chapter 4.

Students are asked to bring their musical instruments every class until our show in April.
We are practicing every session. 

Next class on 2/11/24 
Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns you may have.
Hari OM
Prarthana Gururaj and Vidhya Aiyer