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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

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Feb 4, 2024 - JCHYK Gr. 10-12 (Sunday AM)

Hari Om Parents,

We started the class with meditation and Gita chanting.

Below is the review of the lesson:

In the Chapter 2 Lord Krishna tells Arjuna to perform his duty without getting preoccupied with the results. But in the end lord glorifies Self Knowledge and talks about man of perfection and self realization. Arjuna raises a question - if Self Knowledge is superior to action, why is Lord asking him to fight the terrible war? 

Jana yoga or Karma yoga - Is there a choice?

Lord talks about the two-fold path, "Path of Knowledge" and "Path of action". Most of us belong to the path of action. This leads to the path of knowledge.

Class watched a clip from the movie "Karate Kid" (link below) where Jackie Chan teaches Jaden Smith, Karate -the right way with an emphasis on basic techniques that are the building blocks of the entire art of self defense. Frustrated little Smith finally believes in his teacher when his muscle memory turns into an art of combat. When one is backed with good understanding, the path chosen will depend on what they are fit for and not what their whims and fancies are.

Karate Kid - The Jacket (

One does not have a choice in whether to work or not work but has a choice in how to do it.

The Lord asks us to perform all our duties. Selfish actions should be reduced and prohibited actions should be strictly avoided. Daily and occasional duties should be performed with the right attitude of Karma Yoga.

These duties cannot be changed. They come unasked. Our inner makeup determines and orders our environment for the action.

Lord asks to perform actions for Yagna alone:

1.Yagna as prayer and offering

Perform actions as an act of worship.

2. Yagna as offering (offer the ego in the spirit of higher cause)

All beings are created with the spirit of sacrifice. Prosperity comes from this spirit of sacrifice.

Students initially questioned why one should perform this sacrifice and serve others? Why can't one live for oneself?

We all come into this world with five debts. Hence one should perform these sacrifices for repaying the debts

  1. Deva Yagna - we are indebted to God who created this entire world and us. The way to repay him is to perform all our actions as worship.

  2. Rishi Yagna - we are indebted to great sages who gave us the scriptures and spiritual knowledge. The way to repay them is to Study the scriptures and pass it onto the next generation. As balavihar students/ graduates, one should come back to the mission and serve teaching the younger kids.

  3. Pitr Yagna - besides taking care of our emotional and physical well being our parents, grandparents and ancestors handed our traditions, values and culture to us. We should repay them back by practicing our cultural values and passing them to future generations

  1. Manushya Yagna - society provides us with education, infrastructure and means for livelihood. We should not misuse the resources and help out wherever we can.

  2. Bhuta Yagna - beings other than humans also serve us in innumerable ways. For example snakes and  bees are responsible for ecobalance and pollination. Animals provide milk & clothing, plants around provide oxygen to breathe. With simple living and least consumption of resources and recycling we can repay them back.

With the spirit of sacrifice when one keeps working, the pressure of vasanas comes down and ego slowly gets reduced. At this point one spiritually unfolds and becomes ready for the highest knowledge.

One who does not give back and continuously takes from society is called the social thief

This creation is a cyclic process and is dependent on one another. 

Cosmic cycle steps:

Beings come from Rain (rain here indicates prosperity)

Rains come from sacrifice (Yagna)

Sacrifice comes from action (Karma)

Action comes from vedas

Vedas come from Brahman (Ultimate source)

 The link  illustrates the cycle and the roadblocks in the cycle.

How does this cosmic cycle relate to the modern world?

Class watched two videos

  1.  Japan became one of the most highly developed countries since the entire county came together after world war 2 and worked in Yagna spirit.

The Rise of Japan: How did Japan become one of the World's Largest Economies? (

  1. Why is South America poor? Resources are stagnated.

Why is North America RICH and South America POOR? ( 


Sirisha and Rashmi

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