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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

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Mar 1, 2024 - Grade 7 (Friday)

Hari OM! Parents,
We started class with the beginning prayers followed by chanting part of Nama Ramayanam.
In the last class, we had completed Sundara Kanda depicting the glories of Hanumanji. After a quick recap we moved on to Lanka Kanda. 
Ravana was warned by his grandfather, Malyavan and his wife Mandodari to return Sitaji back to Rama. They felt that Rama was indeed a reincarnation of Lord Vishnu. But the egoistic Ravana would not listen. 
The vanaras meanwhile took up positions in various parts of the city of Lanka, ready for war. Angada went south, Hsnumanju went west. Lskshmana stood guard at the northern gate where he was met by Ravana. The two armies were ready for battle. 
Rama looked at the beautiful city, feeling sad that it would be destroyed. Suddenly without warning Sugreeva jumped high and confronted Ravana. They wrestled for a while. Ravan reported to his maya ways.of magic. Sugreeva decided to go back. Rama told him that it was not wise to confront Ravana by himself. He was the king of Kishkinda and he should not risk his life. 
Then Rama called Angada and sent him as a messenger to Ravana. The message was to return Sitaji or meet his death in Rama's hands. 
Angada tried his best to warn Ravana, but his ego prevented him from doing so. After a brief encounter Angada came back.
Now Rama gave the final orders for battle. 
Ravana was totally an evil person. No amount of pleading, threatening could could change his mind. He called for his skilled sorcerer Vidyut-Jihva to prepare a model head of Rama and frighten Sita. Sita was dismayed looking at it. Ravana was amused. But suddenly his generals called him for an emergency meeting. The minute Ravana left, the illustration head went up in smoke. Sita was confused. A good rakshasi told her that it was an illusion and Rama was safe getting ready to fight Ravana. Sita was happy.
We then went on to yuddha Kanda. The fight of good over evil began. All of Rama's mighty warriors Angada, Hanuman, Neela etc fought the rakshasas bravely. Angada killed Indrajit's charioteer. Indrajit was the brave son of Ravana. He had many celestial weapons. He used poison serpent darts on Rama and Lakshmana. They feel down unconscious. The vanaras were filled with fear. The rakshasis took Sita in an aerial chariot to witness this. She wept loudly. Then a rakshasi by the name of Trijata that was again a trick of Ravana. Rama and Lakshmana were not dead. 
Soon in the battlefield Garuda, the king of birds arrived. The serpent darts magically fell off from Rama and Lakshmana. They felt very energized and twice as powerful and resumed the battle. 
Ravana had a fierce general Dhoomaraksha. He was chosen to lead the battle. But he was soon killed by Hanuman. Ravana was agitated, he sent many of his brave rakshasas to fight. They all took command on the south side. Angada fiercely fought them and killed the brave Vajradumshtra. Ravana grew agitated but was not ready to give up. He called for his brave general Prahasta to fight. Finally he too was killed by Neela. Finally Ravana ordered for his own chariot. 
Rana faced Ravana for the first time. He admired his determination for a minute but then remembered his dharma to fight him for the good on this earth. Ravana soon killed Neela. Hanuman fought bravely too with Ravana. But he could not be beaten. Then Lakshmana got ready to fight Ravana. After a brave fight he fell down unconscious. Now Rama came face to face with Ravana. He was placed on Hanuman's shoulders. The God's from the heavens watched the fierce fight. Rana knocked off his crown, broke his chariot. Ravana looked helpless. Rama looked at him with compassion. He wanted to be just and fair. He asked him to come back the next day. Rama felt sorry to kill him. But Ravana was evil and had to be destroyed. 
Ravana went back ashamed. He decided to wake up his strong sleeping brother Kumbhakarna. He would sleep for six months and had to be woken up. After being woken up with great difficulty he decided to fight Rama. He knew his brother had committed a wrong act by kidnapping Sita. But out of love for his brother decided to fight Rama. Kumbhakarna put up a brave fight. He slayed many vanaras Rama finally aimed a powerful arrow at him and killed him. Ravana was heartbroken. His sins consoled him. They bowed to fight. But soon four of his sons were all killed. Ravana was a Siva bhakta. His third eye opened. For the first time he started to believe that Rama was really an Avatara.
His son Indrajit was still alive. He promised his father he would destroy Rama. He had many boons from Indra. He shot poisonous darts at Rama and Lakshmana.  The brothers fell into a death-like coma. Jambavan the wise asked Hanuman to bring an herb from the Himalayas. Hanuman immediately flew to the Himalayas. But he could not identify the herb. He carried the whole mountain back. The herbs revived Rama and Lakshmana. 
Indrajit started to perform a homam. If he succeeded no one on Rama's side could escape death. Vibhishana knew about it. He sent Lakshmana to stop the homam. Lakshmana rushed to the spot and killed with his Indra Astra. The vanaras were overjoyed. When Ravana heard of this, he wanted to kill Sita. But his generals stopped him. 
Mow Ravana had to face Rama
 The devas watched the battle from the heavens. Rana tried to cut off one head after another. But as he did it, another head sprung up. Ravana knew a lot of magic or maya.
Indra sensed Rama's discreetness. He sent his own divine chariot and charioteer Matali to Rama. Rama finally used the divine astra Agastya rishi had given. him. The astra pierced Ravana's chest. He fell down dead. His face glowed in death. Lanka mourned his death. Vibishina was crowned king. Rama performed the ceremony. 
Values discussed
We discussed the character of Angada. Though his father Vali was killed by Rama. Angada took the side of dharma and joined Rama to fight Ravana. 
Vibhishana's brother Ravana was evil. He surrendered to Rama taking the side of dharma. We discussed Vibhishina's sharanagati to the Lord. 
We discussed gunas. Vibhishana was satvic by nature. He represented goodness. Kumbhakarna represents tamas. He slept for six months in a year. Ravana represented rajas. 
Our class performance is on April 12th. We would like the children not to miss classes. 
Our next Balvihar is on March 22nd
Nirmala and Mythili