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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

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Mar 17, 2024 - Kindergarten (Sunday AM)

Hari Om Parents,

Today was the 18th class of Balavihar!!  Here is the summary of what we covered in the class today:

Opening Prayers:  We together chanted three OMs and then chanted the Opening Prayers - Sahana Vavatu. 

Exploration: We discussed that though the next letter of the alphabet is P, it's not so in the Vedanta alphabet. In the Vedanta alphabet, the letter "R" comes after "O." Why? Because we first need to learn all the values of all the alphabets except "P" and "Q." After we learn all these values, we become fit to do prayers, and learn about the letter "P" which stands for prayer. When we offer prayers to the Lord, what is the result? The result is, we become quiet, and learn about the letter "Q."

Introduction of the Next Letter: Introduced the next letter 'R' - for Right-is that which is morally good, just, fair, or means correct action.

Brainstorming: We discussed what Doing the Right Thing means
We went over different scenarios to help kids reflect on the right thing to do in each scenario. And discussed that we need to do the right thing even if no one is watching and we ourselves know what the right thing is and that we ourselves know when we don't do the right thing.

Storytime: Through the story of 'The Rock on the Road' we learnt that we need to Do the right thing, even if nobody else is doing it. Doing the right thing always brings good rewards and happiness in the end. 

Attendance: was taken by each kid saying 'Hari Om' when their name was called out.

Then we went to the Assembly, to watch the 2nd grade Class Play after which we did the Pledge, and aarthi. 

It was another very interactive and lively session with kids. Some of the kids participated in the Slokhathon, Kudos to them for taking part and doing their best with Sloka chanting.

 Have a wonderful week ahead!! 

Mahalakshmi & Chandarani.