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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

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Apr 12, 2024 - Grade 6 (Friday)

    Hari Om Parents, 

    Please find the below update from our class on Friday April 12th, 2024.


    Class began with Opening Prayers  - 3 OMs, followed by the chanting of Sahana Vavatu. Then invoked the blessings of Lord Ganesha, Goddess Saraswati and all our Gurus, by chanting..

    Śri Ganeshaya Namah!

    Śhri Saraswathyai Namah!

    Śhri Sad-Gurubhyo Namah!

    Shlokas: ( My Prayers Book)

We recited  the Daily Prayers ( page#11) in the order of:
    Karagre Vasate
    Samudra Vasane
    Gange cha Yamune
    Sarasvati Namastubhyam
    Shubham Karoti
    Kara-charana-krtam vak

    Kindly encourage the kids to memorize these and recite them at appropriate times throughout the day. Thus instilling in them, not just the learning part but to put all that they learn, into practice in their daily routine.

Mahabharata Summary:
According to Yudhishthira's order Dhrishtadyumna arrayed the Pandava army in makara* formation for the sixth day's battle. The Kaurava army was arrayed in krauncha  formation. Vyuha was the general name for battle array. Which vyuha was best for any particular occasion, depended on the requirements of the offensive and defensive plans of the day. What the strength and composition of the forces arrayed should be and what positions they should take up were decided upon, according to the situation as it developed from time to time. The sixth day was marked by a prodigious slaughter, even in the first part of the morning. Drona's charioteer was killed and Drona took the reins of the horses himself and used his bow as well. Great was the destruction he effected. He went about like fire among cotton heaps. 
The formations of both armies were soon broken and indiscriminate and fierce fighting went on. Blood flowed in torrents and the field was covered by dead bodies of soldiers, elephants and horses and the debris of chariots. Bhimasena pierced the enemy's lines to seek out Duryodhana's brothers and finish them. They, for their part, did not wait to be sought, but rushed on him, in a combined attack from all sides. He was attacked by Duhsasana, Durvishaha, Durmata, Jaya, Jayatsena, Vikarna, Chitrasena, Sudarsana, Charuchitra, Suvarma, Dushkarna and others, all together. Bhimasena, who did not know what fear was, stood up and fought them all. They desired to take him prisoner and he to kill them all on the spot. The battle raged fiercely, even like the ancient battle between the gods and the asuras. 
Suddenly, the son of Pandu lost his patience and jumped down from his chariot, mace in hand, and made straight on foot for the sons of Dhritarashtra, in hot haste to slay them. When Dhrishtadyumna saw Bhima's chariot disappear in the enemy lines, he was alarmed and rushed to prevent disaster. He reached Bhima's car, but found it was occupied only by the charioteer and Bhima was not in it. With tears in his eyes, he asked the charioteer: "Visoka, where is Bhima dearer to me than life?" Dhrishtadyumna naturally thought Bhima had fallen. Visoka bowed and said to the son of Drupada: "The son of Pandu asked me to stay here and, without waiting for my reply, rushed forward on foot, mace in hand, into the enemy ranks." 
Fearing that Bhima would be overpowered and killed, Drishtadyumna drove his chariot into the enemy lines in search of Bhimasena, whose path was marked by the bodies of slain elephants. When Dhrishtadyumna found Bhima, he saw him surrounded on all sides by enemies fighting from their chariots. Bhima stood against them all, mace in hand, wounded all over and breathing fire. Dhrishtadyumna embraced him and took him into his chariot and proceeded to pick out the shafts that had stuck in his body. Duryodhana now ordered his warriors to attack Bhimasena and Dhrishtadyumna and not to wait for them to attack or challenge. Accordingly, they made a combined attack even though they were not inclined to engage themselves in further fighting.Dhrishtadyumna had a secret weapon, which he had obtained from Dronacharya and, discharging it, threw the enemy forces into a stupor. But Duryodhana then joined the fray and discharged weapons to counter the stupor weapons of Dhrishtadyumna. Just then, reinforcements sent by Yudhishthira arrived. A force of twelve chariots with their equipage led by Abhimanyu came upon the scene to support Bhima. Dhrishtadyumna was greatly relieved when he saw this. Bhimasena had also by now refreshed himself and was ready to renew the fight. He got into Kekaya's chariot and took his position along with the rest. Drona, however, was terrible that day. He killed Dhrishtadyumna's charioteer and horses and smashed his chariot and Drupada's son had to seek a place in Abhimanyu's car. 
The Pandava forces began to waver and Drona was cheered on by the Kaurava Army. Indiscriminate mass fighting and slaughter went on that day. At one time, Bhima and Duryodhana met face to face. The usual exchange of hot words took place and was followed by a great battle of archery. Duryodhana was hit and fell unconscious. Kripa extricated him with great skill and took him away in his own chariot. Bhishma personally arrived at the spot now and led the attack and scattered the Pandava forces. The sun was sinking, but the battle continued for an hour and the fighting was fierce and many thousands perished. Then the day's battle ceased. Yudhishthira was glad that Dhrishtadyumna and Bhima returned to camp alive.

Duryodhana, wounded all over and suffering greatly, went to Bhishma and said: "The battle had been going against us every day. Our formations are broken and our warriors are being slain in large numbers. You are looking on doing nothing." The grandsire soothed Duryodhana with comforting words: "Why do you let yourself be disheartened? Here are all of us-Drona, Salya, Kritavarma, Aswatthama, Vikarna, Bhagadatta, Sakuni, the two brothers of Avanti, the Trigarta chief, the king of Magadha, and Kripacharya. When these great warriors are here, ready to give up their lives for you, why should you feel downhearted? Get rid of this mood of dejection." Saying this, he issued orders for the day. "See there," the grandsire said to Duryodhana, "These thousands of cars, horses and horsemen, great war elephants, and those armed foot soldiers from various kingdoms are all ready to fight for you. With this fine army, you can vanquish even the gods. Fear not." 
Thus cheering up the dejected Duryodhana, he gave him a healing balm for his wounds. Duryodhana rubbed it over his numerous wounds and felt relieved. He went to the field, heartened by the grandsire's words of confidence. The army was that day arrayed in circular formation. With each war elephant were seven chariots fully equipped. Each chariot was supported by seven horsemen. To each horseman were attached ten shield bearers. Everyone wore armour. Duryodhana stood resplendent like Indra at the centre of this great and well-equipped army. 
Yudhishthira arrayed the Pandava army in vajravyuha. This day's battle was fiercely fought simultaneously in many sectors. Bhishma personally opposed Arjuna's attacks. Drona and Virata were engaged with each other at another point. Sikhandin and Aswatthama fought a big battle in another sector. Duryodhana and Dhrishtadyumna fought with each other at yet another point. Nakula and Sahadeva attacked their uncle Salya. The Avanti kings opposed Yudhamanyu, while Bhimasena opposed Kritavarma, Chitrasena, Vikama and Durmarsha. There were great battles between Ghatotkacha and Bhagadatta, between Alambasa and Satyaki, between Bhurisravas and Dhrishtaketu, between Yudhishthira and Srutayu and between Chekitana and Kripa. In the battle between Drona and Virata, the latter was worsted and he had to climb into the chariot of his son Sanga, having lost his own chariot, horses and charioteer. Virata's sons Uttara and Sveta had fallen in the first day's battle. On this seventh day, Sanga also was slain just as his father came up to his side. 
Sikhandin, Drupada's son, was defeated by Aswatthama. His chariot was smashed and he jumped down and stood sword and shield in hand. Aswatthama aimed his shaft at his sword and broke it. Sikhandin then whirled the broken sword and hurled it at Aswatthama with tremendous force, but it was met by Aswatthama's arrow. Sikhandin, badly beaten, got into Satyaki's chariot and retired. In the fight between Satyaki and Alambasa, the former had the worst of it at first but later recovered ground and Alambasa had to flee. In the battle between Dhrishtadyumna and Duryodhana, the horses of the latter were killed and he had to alight from his chariot. He, however, continued the fight, sword in hand. 
Sakuni came then and took the prince away in his chariot. Kritavarma made a strong attack on Bhima but was worsted. He lost his chariot and horses and, acknowledging defeat, fled towards Sakuni's car, with Bhima's arrows sticking all over him, making him look like a porcupine speeding away in the forest. Vinda and Anuvinda of Avanti were defeated by Yudhamanyu, and their armies were completely destroyed. Bhagadatta attacked Ghatotkacha and put to flight all his supporters. But, alone, Ghatotkacha stood and fought bravely, but in the end, he too had to save himself by flight, which gladdened the whole Kaurava army. Salya attacked his nephews. Nakula's horses were killed and he had to join his brother in the latter's chariot. Both continued the fight from the same car. Salya was hit by Sahadeva's arrow and swooned. The charioteer skilfully drove the car away and saved Salya. When the Madra king* was seen retreating from the field Duryodhana's army lost heart and the twin sons of Madri blew their conches in triumph and, taking advantage of the situation, inflicted heavy damage on Salya's forces. 
At noon, Yudhishthira led an attack on Srutayu. The latter's well-aimed arrows intercepted Dharmaputra's missiles, and his armour was pierced and he was severely wounded. Yudhishthira then lost his temper and sent a powerful arrow which pierced Srutayu's breast-plate. That day, Yudhishthira was not his normal self and burnt with anger. Srutayu's charioteer and horses were killed and the chariot was smashed and he had to flee on foot from the field. This completed the demoralisation of Duryodhana's army. In the attack on Kripa, Chekitana, losing his chariot and charioteer, alighted and attacked Kripa's charioteer and horses with mace in hand and killed them. Kripa also alighted, and standing on the ground, discharged his arrows. Chekitana was badly hit. He then whirled his mace and hurled it at Kripacharya, but the latter was able to intercept it with his own arrow. Thereupon, they closed with each other, sword in hand. Both were wounded and fell on the ground, when Bhima came and took Chekitana away in his chariot. 
Sakuni similarly took wounded Kripa away in his car. Ninety-six arrows of Dhrishtaketu struck Bhurisravas, and the great warrior was like a sun radiating glory, as the arrows, all sticking in his breast-plate, shone bright around his radiant face. Even in that condition, he compelled Dhrishtaketu to admit defeat and retire. Three of Duryodhana's brothers attacked Abhimanyu who inflicted a heavy defeat on them but spared their lives, because Bhima had sworn to kill them. Thereupon, Bhishma attacked Abhimanyu. Arjuna saw this and said to his illustrious charioteer: "Krishna, drive the car towards Bhishma." At that moment, the other Pandavas also joined Arjuna, but the grandsire was able to hold his own against all five until the sunset and the battle was suspended for the day, and the warriors of both sides, weary and wounded, retired to their tents for rest and for having their injuries attended to. After this, for an hour, soft music was played, soothing the warriors to their rest. That hour was spent, says the poet, without a word about war or hatred and was an hour of heavenly bliss, and it was a glad sight to see. One can see herein what the great lesson of the Mahabharata is."

Bhagavad Gita: Verses 31 - 38 from chapter 4 were taught and rehearsed this week, following our Swamiji Swami Shantanandaji's chanting video. 

Class Reflection:
The children paid attention and asked several pertinent questions. They were intrigued by the war strategy and the weapons used by the warriors during the Mahabharata war. They compared it to modern day warfare and discussed it. We continued our discussion on the different army formations as the children seemed to be really interested in understanding that. 

Aarathi: We assembled at the main prayer hall. The 7th graders performed their monthly program. It was followed by Pledge.

Please have the children do their daily prayers regularly and also practice the ślokas and Gita chanting.

Thank you! See you back on Friday Apr 19th, 2024.

Viji Lakshmi Hari and Anupama Sivakumar 

Friday Grade 6 sevikas