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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

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Apr 14, 2024 - Grade 4 (Sunday AM)

Hari OM Dear Families,

Here is this week's update.
Week 22 :
14th April 2024 / 9:15 AM
Opening prayers and Shlokas

Slokas: Class began with 3 OMs followed by

"Om Saha Navavatu" (page 8 in My Prayers book)
 Om shrI Ganeśaya Namaha,  shrI Saraswatyai Namaha,  shrI Sat Gurubhyo Namaha.
"Vakratunda Mahakaya" (page 27 in My Prayers book)

Saraswathi Namasthubhyam
"Gurur Brahma" (page 60 in My Prayers book)
"Krishnaya Vasudevaya" (page 105 in My Prayers book)

Today's lesson : Narada and Kamsa

  • Sage Narada delivers the news that Kamsa has been tricked! 

  • He announces that Devaki's eighth son still lives in the house of Nanda in Vrindavana. 

  • The female child that flew away was Yashoda's baby that was switched when Krishna was born.

  • Krishna and Balarama are brothers.

  • They have been destroying all the asuras sent by Kamsa.

The kids questioned why Narada had to come and reveal the truth about Krishna and Balarama! We then explained that Kamsa's story is nearing its end, so Narada was just being a messenger to give him sort of a heads up! Then we continued on. Kamsa is terribly irritated and angered by the news! Kamsa wanted to immediately kill Vasudeva.

  • Narada stopped him and said that Vasudeva is innocent.

  • Kamsa threw his sister Devaki and her husband into the darkest dungeon.

  • Kamasa informed his ministers of what Narada said.

  • He decided to invite the brothers to his court for a wrestling match.

  • He places Kuvalayaapeeda at the entrance to try to finish them off before they even enter.

Kamsa thinks that his trusted and powerful elephant will be able to finish the job. But Kamsa also cunningly requests Akrura to go to Vrindavana and bring back Krishna and Balarama.
  • Kamsa invites the brothers to the Dhanuryajna and to see the city's sights.

  • He told Akrura to entice them and get them to Mathura in any way possible.

  • He thinks his elephant will finish the job.

  • If Kuvalayaapeeda is not successful, the wrestlers will finish the job.

  • Then he will have Vasudeva, his dad Ugrasena, his brother Devaka and all the Yadavas killed.

  • He will keep only asuras and will rule the world.

The wise Akrura softly replied, "Your plan is indeed detailed Kamsa. But one must keep a balanced mind in success and in failure. Many times lofty plans frustrate us because of unforeseen obstacles, causing us as much grief as their success would have caused us joy. Nevertheless, I will carry out your bidding"

Akrura goes to Vrindavana

Akrura is very pleased and overjoyed that he will finally be able to see the lotus-feet of the Lord. He fell at Krishna's feet with tears rolling down his cheeks. Nanda greeted Akrura and they all shared a meal together. Akrura revealed Kamsa's evil plan to the brothers and dad.

Krishna and Balarama laughed heartily.

We took a brief moment to make a comparison from the Ramayana. We talked about how Ravana had Maaricha do his bidding to entice Sita by posing as the golden deer, even though he did not want to. Both Akrura and Maaricha unwillingly obeyed their king's orders, but here, Akrura was unable to keep Kamsa's evil plan to himself.

Akrura, Krishna & Balarama were set to depart for Mathura early the following morning. Nanda prepared carriages and presents for the trip to Mathura. Nanda, some elders and some gopas joined them.The gopis weren't included but figured out what was going on. They were all beyond devastated to see their Lord depart. Yashoda was inconsolable. Krishna said, "The world will always know that My Mother is, and always will be, My Yashoda maiya."

Today's lesson - My 24 teachers The Arrow maker
Once there was an arrow-maker, who kept himself very busy in his work. One time a big party of the king and his retinue were passing by but he did not even notice them.
Saint Dattëtreya said, "I saw this and learned to have concentration of mind."  
Today's teacher was the "Arrowmaker".
We started by discussing what concentration is?  How often the kids heard this word and where, and why is this important. 
What is concentration of mind?
Concentration of mind is to make the mind think in one form, an object, a thought, or a concept steadily for a long time.
Everyone has this ability. 
One with high degree of concentration alone can turn out better and accomplish more work

Short story about Sir Isaac Newton - Once, someone invited Sir Isaac Newton for dinner. He went to his host's residence and was shown to the living room by the butler. The host gentleman had forgotten all about Sir Isaac Newton waiting. He ate his dinner and retired to bed.
 Newton sat musing on some important point of science. He did not move from his seat. He had forgotten all about dinner! That was how much he was engrossed in his thought and that was the level of his concentration.

Short story from the Mahabharata -

Dronacharya taught archery to the Pandava and Kaurava princes. One day he wanted to test their skills. There was a bird on the branch of a tree, and the test was to shoot the arrow at the bird's eye. One by one all the princes came, and Dronacharya asked them what they could see when they were aiming their arrow. All of them said they saw the bird, tree, branches, sky, etc. Finally it was Arjuna's turn. Dronacharya asked him what he could see. Arjuna replies that he could only see the eye of the bird.  

This story illustrates the concentration of Arjuna, which made him one of the greatest archers. 
A single pointed attention is needed  to attain perfection in any endeavor.

Our next class is on Sunday,21st Apr 2024.


Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you and Hari Om,

Neelima Turaga & Rekha Pai