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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

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Apr 7, 2024 - Grade 6 (Sunday PM)

Hari Om! Parents,
Week 21 Class
Children wrote this Likhita Japa at the start of class - "Shri Krishna Sharanam Mama". Encourage your child to do likhita japa daily.

We started with Om chanting and then chanted Sahana vavatu, Vakratunda mahakaya, Saraswati namastubhyam, Guru brahma, Sarva mangala mangalye (ref. My Prayers book pg 39). 
Vasudeva sutam Devam (ref. Bala Vihar Handbook pg 15, verse 5). The children chanted the "Mahishasura Mardini Stotram". (ref. My Prayers book pg 47)

This part of the story is narrated by Sanjaya to the blind king Dhritarashtra
Bhishma Parva - In Kurukshetra (field of action), after listening to the divine advice (Bhagavad Gita) and witnessing the Vishwaroopa of Bhagwan, Arjuna is finally ready to fight the Dharma war. 
Lord Krishna blows his conch, Panchajanya. Arjuna blows his conch, Devadatta. Followed by Yudhistira's Anantavijaya, Bhima's Paundra, Nakula's Sugosha and Sahadeva's Manipushpaka.
Bhishma retaliates by blowing his conch to signal to the Kaurava army to begin the battle. 
Day 1 summary: The Kaurava army is arranged in a formation to protect Bhishma, since Duryodhana knows that he is the only person who can defeat the Pandavas. Bhishma wreaks havoc on his enemy.
Pandavas suffer a huge loss in numbers and two sons of Virata are killed. The battles stop at sundown and the Kaurava camp is celebrating, but the Pandava camp is disappointed.
Day 2 summary: Both the Kaurava and Pandava armies are in the "Krauncha Vyuha" (war formation). Bhishma once again reduces a large number of the Pandava army. Bhima faces him, but is defeated quickly.
Bhima then turns his attention to the Kalinga army and single-handedly kills everyone. Arjuna also manages to destroy a large part of the Kaurava army. After sundown, Duryodhana is disappointed while Yudhistira
congratulates Arjuna and Bhima.
Day 3 summary: The Pandava army is arranged in the " Chandrakala Vyuha" or Crescent. The Kaurava army in the "Garuda Vyuha" or Eagle. In a battle with Bhima, Duryodhana faints and is carried to safety.
He is very angry and accuses Bhishma and Dronacharya of favoritism towards the Pandavas. Bhishma attacks Arjuna and hurts him. Lord Krishna, angered by this, jumps down from the chariot and calls his Sudarshana.
Bhishma bows down to the Lord and asks Him to end his life. Arjuna quickly falls at Lord Krishna's feet and begs him not to use His Sudarshana chakra. Arjuna pleads with Bhagwan not to break His vow and Lord Krishna
sends his weapon away. Arjuna promises the Lord to fight with all his might and using "Aindra Astra" destroys a large part of the Kaurava army. At sundown, Duryodhana is feeling worried and frustrated that the Pandavas
are still alive. Yudhistira is also worried about Bhishma's power.
Day 4 summary: Abhimanyu attacks Bhishma and Arjuna joins his son. They are not able to defeat the Grandsire and have to battle the Trigarta army instead. Bhima kills eight Kaurava brothers. His son,Gatotkacha joins him 
and they destroy a large part of the elephant army. Bhishma calls for an early retreat of the Kaurava army, knowing that Gatotkacha's magic powers get stronger after dark. Back in the camp, Duryodhana is angry at Bhishma for
failing to kill the Pandavas. Bhishma reminds Duryodhana that with Lord Krishna on their side, the Pandavas cannot be defeated. He once again advised Duryodhana to make peace with his cousins, but Duryodhana refused to listen. 
Day 5 summary: The Pandava army makes the "Garuda Vyuha" and the Kauravas are in a "Makara Vyuha". Arjuna battles Ashwatthama who is forced to retreat. Every time Arjuna battles Bhishma he is unable to defeat the great
grandfather. Abhimanyu shows great skills as a young warrior and everyone is impressed by him. The battle ends early.
Day 6 summary: The Pandava army forms "Makara Vyuha" and the Kauravas "Krauncha Vyuha". Bhishma and Drona could not kill the Pandavas but destroyed the Pandava army instead. Drupada and Drona, who are old enemies, 
meet on the battlefield and Drupada is defeated. Bhima jumps off his chariot and mace in hand fights the Kaurava army on foot. Duryodhana faced Bhima, but could not withstand his attack and fainted. Kripacharya carried Duryodhana away. The sixth day of war was over and the Pandava camp was joyful. Duryodhana asks Bhishna to kill the Pandavas, but Bhishma refuses. He tells Duryodhana that he will do his best to defeat them.
We paused the story here.

Geeta Chanting
Reminder: Geeta Chanting Yagna registration closes on April 12. Details were shared on the Parents WA Group.
Grade 6 is group Partha, and is assigned verses 1-28 to memorize. We will review these verses in every class to help your child prepare for the Gita Chanting Yagna.
You can submit your child's chanting video and get House points for every 4 verses memorized. Details are shared on the Parents WA group.

We concluded the session with Aarti and Pledge recitation in the Prayer Hall. 
- Rashmi Kuroodi and Sangeetha Srikanth

Supplies needed for every class:- Bala Vihar Handbook, My Prayers book, the Junior Class Workbook Part 1 & 2, a notebook and pencils for likhita japa; everything in their Bala Vihar bag
*Reference books - Mahabharata by Rajagopalachari / Mahabharata by Kamala Subramaniam