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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

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Apr 7, 2024 - Kindergarten (Sunday AM)

Hari Om Parents, 

Today was the 20th class of Balavihar!!  Here is the summary of what we covered in the class today:

Opening Prayers:  We together chanted three OMs and then chanted the Opening Prayers - Sahana Vavatu. All the kids joined in and chanted well.

Brainstorming: RecapWe discussed all of the Alphabets we learnt so far and we divided the kids into two groups and repeated the Alphabet chant a couple of times until letter S.

Introduction of the Next Letter: T is for Truth which means Integrity and Sincerity in words and actions. And that we need to be truthful by not being scared of the consequences and understanding that it is always better to tell the truth than lies. And Ultimately Truth alone always triumphs.

Exploration: We discussed various scenarios to discuss when we say the truth and when we tell lies. We lie when we feel that the truth will get us into trouble, but a lie will save us. We lie because we feel we will benefit by lying. And we lie because we forget: Ultimately, truth alone wins. Also, it takes a lot of effort to tell lies, whereas when we tell the truth, all facts can easily be remembered.

Storytime:  Through the story of the Boy who cried Wolf, we learnt that by lying, we can hurt ourselves and others around us. And kids were taught 'Satyam vada, Priyam vada'. Say the Truth and Be Loved.

Activity 1:  Lion Enters the center of the Human Knot game:
In this game, kids held each other's hands and stood in a circle, and one kid, the Lion, was trying to enter the center trying to break the Human Knot.
Kids who participated as Lions learnt quick tricks to enter into the knot, and all kids had fun trying to keep the human knot intact and stayed strong, preventing the kid lion from entering into the circle. It was a fun activity.

Introduction of the next letter: 'U' is for Unity is to join hands and work together to help each other and achieve a common goal.

We discussed Unity in Body, All body parts are different. They look different, they function differently. Yet, they all work together. This is called Unity in Diversity.

Brainstorming: We discussed what Unity means and discussed in detail Unity is Strength.

Storytime:  Through the story of the Four Cows, we learnt that  'We have a far better chance of protecting ourselves from an enemy if we stand together'. 
United we stand, Divided we fall.  And we also discussed how easy it is to break one toothpick, but difficult to break ten toothpicks which are tied together.

Activity 2: Four kids each were standing facing away from each like the Bulls in the Story and keeping an united front, and Kids enacting as Lion trying to attack them. Kids had fun imitating the Bulls with horns and staying strong in front of the Lion.

Attendance: was taken by each kid saying 'Hari Om' when their name was called out.

And then we went to the Prayer Hall for the Closing Prayers, Aarthi and Pledge.

It was another very collaborative and fun session with kids. Kids happily shared what they did during Spring Break and other activities they did. And we covered two more letters today: 'T' and 'U'.

Have a wonderful week ahead!! 

Note:  Next class is on April 14th, 2024.  

Mahalakshmi & Chandarani.