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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

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May 12, 2024 - Grade 7 (Sunday AM)

Hari OM Dear Families,

Here is this week's update.

Week : 26
12th May 2024 9:15AM

Class began with 3 OMs followed by

"Om Saha Navavatu" (page 8 in My Prayers book)
 Om shrI Ganeśaya Namaha,  shrI Saraswatyai Namaha,  shrI Sat Gurubhyo Namaha.
"Vakratunda Mahakaya" (page 27 in My Prayers book)
"Saraswati Namastubhyam" (page 12 in My Prayers book)
"Gurur Brahma" (page 60 in My Prayers book)
 "Neelaam buja" & "SriRama Rama rameti" (page 129 My prayers book)

Key to Success- Vibhishana Gita Amala achala mana trona samana- quiver which stands for a pure and steady mind. Selfishness is the biggest enemy for a seeker. Pure mind means a mind devoid of selfishness. There are two types of mind- (pure and impure) In entire spiritual sadhana, Pooja, japa, keertan, yatra, study, seva, havan- all these disciplines are aimed at making a pure mind. Our enemy in the spiritual path is selfishness. we must try and remove it! How to remove selfishness?

1. Start taking up/ doing selfless work.

2. Increase selfless works

3. To have a seva bhava slowly in our entire life. Commit to selfless work - gradually make life, selfless life (to purify ourselves)

Pure mind is a quiet mind. But usually the mind keeps continuously moving. How to reduce the fast movements of the mind and make it slow?

Firstly, continuous thoughts (moving) (Chala) of the mind to be kept steady (Achala)

The thoughts are moving at a particular speed, we must try to reduce the speed. Mind will be running and running all the time. If we focus on one thing, the flow of thoughts will be less/reduced. More the thoughts, the more wandering we are.
If Body and mind are in the same place (alignment) the speedy movements of the mind can be reduced. If the practice of keeping Body and mind aligned, the mind will be pure and steady. When we are into performing any act, we must give full attention to the mind, then the speeding of the flow of thoughts is reduced, which helps in purifying the mind. BM in alignment, we live in the present and could feel the thought flow is less, slowly the mind will become steady. Therefore we should start living in the present.

The next part is arrows. Sama Jama Niyama seela mukha nana.
Mind being balanced is the quiver- Sama- Peacefulness of the mind

*Practicing peaceful mind is Sama (Santhi)

5 Noble values of life- Jama

Daily disciplines- Niyama

In Yoga sastra, Acharya Patanjali speaks about Yama(Jama) and Niyama for a disciplined lifestyle.

The Following are Yama(Jama) values of life

1.Ahimsa (Non harming, non violence in thought, deed and word. When we think of violence, we generally think only about physical or verbal abuse. Negative thoughts are also considered violent as repeated thoughts lead to action in the future and the spread of negativity. So it is very important to practice non-violence in thoughts, words and deeds.

2.Satyam (Truthfulness) As Mark Twain once said, "If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything." The truth is always constant but a lie keeps changing its path. We have to spend unnecessary energy in fabricating stories when we speak the truth. It is always easier to tell the truth than to lie. 

3.Asteyam (non stealing) Stealing, as we understand, is stealing physical and intellectual property of a person. Most of us, who are innocent in this respect, are guilty of a different kind of stealing. The resources and energy that we steal from Mother Nature brings about lasting damages unseen.  Our pledge says,  'giving more than what we take'. We should try to give more of ourselves to others and to Mother Nature as well. 

4.Brahmacharyam (self control or right use of energy) Self Control is Self-discipline. Most of the famous achievers have reached their position due to their rigorous discipline and self control. We observe this in our kids who are into various performing arts and sports. When they are passionate about it to excel in it, they are willing to go through the rigor that it entails.

5.Aparigraha (non greed/ non hoarding) Greed is a bottomless pit. The more we try to satisfy it the deeper it gets. Keeping others in mind, we should avoid hoarding. We can take a spoonful for the first serving and come back, if we need a second, in our ashram when we eat together. Instead, if we load our plateful, often we end up throwing food and we might indirectly make some last ones in the line to turn disappointed as the food will be over!

The following are Niyama Values

1.Saucha (cleanliness) Everyday we have the ritual of brushing our teeth and showering, etc to keep our bodies clean. Prayer is an everyday ritual for cleaning and tidying our mind. Mind too requires everyday cleansing

2.Santosa (Contentment) Contentment leads to a feeling of gratitude. Prayer should be an offering of our gratitude to the Lord. Such prayer, like the study of our scriptures, is the only way to purify the mind that gives utmost contentment and happiness.

3.Tapas (discipline, austerity or burning enthusiasm) For the mind to be aligned with the body. In other words, to keep the mind in control. Meditation leads to a calming nature and slows down our actions, deeds and words. The slowing process allows more focusing and a full control on what we do/say.

4.Swadhyaya (Study of the self and of the texts) Group prayers and satsanga brings in immense power which can be felt with continuous practice of the same.

5. Ishvarapranidhana (Surrender to a higher being or contemplation of a higher power) Gurudev was once asked if Prayer was like begging God. Gurudev responded that if Prayer was asking for things from God then it is definitely equal to begging. Prayer, in his words, is a means to invoke the divinity within us. Iswara bhakti and Guru Bhakti have no second opinion.

Always remember what we have got and be thankful and don't think about what we have missed/don't have. A wise person is never bothered about what he has not got. Only then can we carry on the peacefulness within.

After the lessons, we assembled at the mantapa to celebrate sankara and gurudev jayanthi by doing pooja and chanting guru stothram.

Our class' turn- Annadaanam /soup kitchen on 5/18. Please check the details sent earlier through email and whatsapp.

Our next class - 5/19/24.

Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns you may have.
Hari OM
Prarthana Gururaj and Vidhya Aiyer