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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

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June 2, 2024 - Kindergarten (Sunday AM)

Hari Om Parents,

Today was the  27th class of Balavihar!! 

Opening Prayers:  We together chanted three OMs and then chanted the Opening Prayers - Sahana Vavatu. All the kids chanted together. 

Class outdoors in the Ashram campus:
Due to the beautiful Spring weather, we planned to have class outdoors in the Ashram campus. And we all had a wonderful time with the outdoor class today with a mix of dance practice, games and food. Thankfully, the weather was sunny and beautiful. Kids had fun staying outdoors and enjoyed playing together in the open air.

Special thanks and sincere appreciation to parents who stayed back and helped us organize and help with kids during food and dance  practice, for the picnic mats and bubbles (kids had fun trying to catch it)

Attendance: was taken by each kid saying 'Hari Om'.

It was a good practice session today.Kids happily participated and picked up the dance steps. We will continue to practice more in the upcoming class and in the practice sessions planned.

Have a wonderful week ahead!! 

Note:  Next class is on June 9th, 2024(or last class for this season). We will meet in the classroom at regular time.

Mahalakshmi & Chandarani.