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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

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June 9, 2024 - JCHYK Gr. 10-12 (Sunday AM)

Hari om everyone, 

This is the last class synopsis for the year!  Can't believe a whole year has flown by so quickly.

As always, we started the class with meditation and Geeta chanting (chapter 4).  We are so proud of how far they have come with chanting!

The Kyun Kyun (QQ - Quirky Question) of the day was - Open me and you can see me in the mirror. Close me and you can't see me at all.  

We got the answer almost instantly - Eyes.

That's right!  We neither have nor can see ourselves EVER, without using a tool like a mirror or a camera!!  Similarly, knowing the Self is also incomprehensible.  But that can be worked towards. 

We have been talking about the Self throughout the year.  We summarized Chapter 17 (shraddhaa-traya-vibhaaga yoga) and 18 (mokSha-sannyaasa yoga).  We understood that there are 3 types of faiths in different aspects of life - saatvika, raajasika, taamasika.  

We discussed different types of worship, the outcomes, etc.  

We had an interesting question: I study really hard but don't get the result I am looking for.  On the other hand, a couch potato, who does nothing, gets a much better outcome than me.  How do I handle this feeling of upset?  Why am I not getting what he is getting?  

We said - 

Let's forget the question for a moment...  We have all seen green gram with which we make sprouts.  Mom soaks them overnight, drains the water, washes them, and sets them in a dark place.  In a day or two, the sprouts start growing longer and stronger! If planted in the ground, they will reach their full potential of 1-2 feet, within a month or so

On the other hand, I take some bamboo seeds and scatter them on the ground.  I water them regularly.  After a week, I see nothing happening... But I continue to water.   After a month, nothing... After 6 months.., (depending on the species) still nothing!!  Then after a whole year, the ground starts breaking. The sprouts start showing up.  But once the sprouts are put forth, there is no stopping them.  They grow at almost 3-5 feet per year!!!

So, can we say the green gram was more successful in its life?  What is the measure of success - the time it took to grow? Is it the height it was able to achieve?  Whether it is edible or not?  What truly is the measure of success?  

If we analyze this correctly, both were successful - in being who they were!!!!  Bamboo can't become green gram and vice versa.  

Similarly, we cannot compare ourselves with someone else and feel bad!  Each person has his own skillsets 
  • Some may have a photographic memory, so they remember quickly, without having to study hard.  
  • Some may analyze and understand logic better.  
  • Some may do better with revisiting the topics often.  
  • Some may do well in math, some may do better in music. 
(We even discussed some studying techniques that might help to acquire.) 

If we are content with being who we are, the problem will be solved.  We have to find our strengths and weaknesses and work with them.  

Interestingly, this is what Krishna said to Arjuna too.  In the very beginning, Arjuna thought it was easier to take sanyaasa and run away to the Himalayas to do meditation.  But being a kShatriya, his nature would not have co-operated with him to stay in the mountains.  His nature was to protect people and uphold dharma.  He just had a temporary setback on the battlefield when he saw his Guru and grandfather on the other side.  

We too, need to learn to follow our dharma and know that - We are enough!!  

This is the very crux of The Bhagavadgeeta that we learned all along :).  

The best lesson we can take from this is - 

So, Grow where you are sown! 

At the end of class, instead of a Unique Statement Review of the day, we asked for Unique statements of the year.  They had to say what stayed with them the most...  We were amazed that they remembered so many different things from class... sometimes, even the smallest details!! 

That's when we said, 'the benefit of Bala Vihar may not be seen when you are IN Bala Vihar.  You will see it when you leave Bala Vihar!  It is almost like the classes were the theory portion and the practicals will be held after you graduate from here 😊'  

We will see you all at the Graduation celebration of our seniors on Saturday, Jun 15th.  

We encourage everyone to contemplate the points discussed throughout the year.  

Have a great Summer break. 

See you next year! 

Rashmi and Sirisha.