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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

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Feb 11, 2024 - Grade 3 (Sunday AM)

Hari om parents,

        Hope everyone is doing well & enjoying the weather. Here is the summary from our class (2/11/24) - 

1.We chanted 3 OM's and said our beginning prayers - Om sahna bhavtu followed by a shlok for Lord Ganesha (Vakratunda Mahakaya), Devi Saraswati (Saraswati Namastubhyam) and one for our Guru (Guru Bramha) respectively. We have added Shri Ram Ram Rameti to our morning prayers.
2.We chanted Guru Stotram (10 verses).
3.We revised what we had studied in the last fw classes.
4.Brainstorming - Nine modes of devotion The Nine Modes of Devotion, often known as "Navadha Bhakti" in Hinduism, are different ways or paths through which devotees can express their love and devotion towards the divine. These modes encompass a variety of approaches to spiritual practice and devotion. Here they are:
Shravana (Listening): Devotees listen to stories, hymns, and teachings related to the divine, often through scriptures, discourses, or spiritual talks.
Kirtana (Singing): This involves singing or chanting the divine names and praises, either individually or in a group. It's a powerful way to invoke devotion and connect with the divine.
Smarana (Remembering): Devotees focus on remembering and contemplating the divine, keeping the deity or the divine form in their thoughts throughout the day.
Pada-sevana (Service to the Feet): This mode involves physically serving the divine, often symbolized by serving the deity's idols or images, and seeking the blessings through humble service.
Arcana (Worship): Devotees engage in ritualistic worship, offering prayers, rituals, and material items like flowers, incense, and food to the deity.
Vandana (Prayer): This mode involves offering prayers and seeking the divine's blessings through humble supplication and surrender.
Dasya (Servitude): Devotees approach the divine with the attitude of a servant, willingly surrendering to the will of the divine and serving with devotion.
Sakhyatva (Friendship): This involves developing a deep and personal relationship with the divine, treating the divine as a friend, and sharing one's joys and sorrows.
Atma-nivedana (Complete Surrender): The highest form of devotion, where the devotee surrenders completely to the divine, recognizing the divine as the ultimate guide and protector.
These modes provide a diverse range of paths, allowing individuals to choose the one that resonates most with their spiritual inclination and temperament.
5. A small prayer for Bhagwan -
We love you Bhagavanji
Thank you for everything
Please help us be Responsible
We pray for .... ( Whatever you want)
6.Geeta chanting - We chanted alongside Swamiji's video. Here is one important shlok -
ब्रह्मार्पणं ब्रह्म हविर्ब्रह्माग्नौ ब्रह्मणा हुतम् ।
ब्रह्मैव तेन गन्तव्यं ब्रह्मकर्मसमाधिना ॥
7. Game time - Krishna Vadati with Sanskrit words. 
8. Aarti time in temple hall and everyone enjoyed Grade 9 play.

Gentle reminder to sign up the excel sheet for monthly program for kids & parents. We encourage you to participate as well. See you all in next class! 

Chitra & Rupa.