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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

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Feb 11, 2024 - JCHYK Gr. 10-12 (Sunday AM)

Hari Om,

We started the class with meditation and Gita chanting. 

We reviewed the topics of karma yoga and discussed briefly the Yagna spirit needed to perform the actions and concluded chapter 3 with a discussion on role models. The moral rejuvenation of the society takes place because of the example set by the leaders of that nation.Lord Krishna indicates himself as an example. Though a liberated soul, he acts diligently, follows a routine and performs all his actions without attachment, as a model for his generation to rise up.

Lord Krishna in the fourth chapter talks to Arjuna about his divinity. Unless the teaching is recognized as sacred and eternal, we are unable to establish or commit ourselves to that.

Lord tells Arjuna that he has given this sacred knowledge to Sun God and later it was passed on to his son Manu and Manu passed it on to Ikshvaku and to other descendants. Later the knowledge was lost in time and the Lord had come to give Arjuna the same knowledge. 

We discussed the reasons why some religions became extinct and why Hinduism survived and what is the need of the guru when it comes to scriptures.

At times this knowledge gets veiled with false notions, confusing ideologies, wrong practices. Masters come from time to time to revive this and modernize it and make it adaptable to the people of the community. Hence we are always grateful to them. 

Seeing Arjuna getting confused on the chronological absurdity in the declaration, Lord Krishna reveals to Arjuna the secret behind his avatara (incarnation)and gives Arjuna the avatara rahasya. The supreme consciousness with the help of the maya takes avatara. Avatara incarnates. But when Jiva is born it is called reincarnation. Though the Lord looks like one among us, he is not bound by karma. He can be born in whatever way without any constraints on time and place. The Lord is born for the protection of the good and for the destruction of the wicked and for the establishment of righteousness. We discussed the ten incarnations of lord Vishnu.

The Question arises - Is bhagavan partial to few and is this knowledge given to only them?

No, in whatever way people approach the lord, they get their respective rewards. Most of them seek the world since it gives them immediate pleasure and are engrossed in the activities chosen.

The four castes according to Guna and Karma.

Class recollected the lessons from middle school about the caste system in Hinduism.  

The four fold caste(varna)is created by the lord himself. But it was totally misused for power and position. 

Class watched 2 videos on how new media has been propagating social issues of India and the caste bill proposal in California which was later vetoed by the governor. Below are the links.

Challenging India's caste system | India Now! | ABC News (

California caste law: US state taking on caste-based discrimination (

The four Varnas according to Guna and Karma.

The word Varna means to describe (by properties). Varna also means color. Here the Varna system categorizes mankind based on 

  1. Guna - qualities of mind and
  2. Profession taken up by them.


Everything in this creation is the permutation and combination of 3 basic qualities- Sattva, Rajas and Tamas - characterized by knowledge, activity and inertia.

Four castes are:

  • Brahmana - with sattva 60%, rajas 30%, tamas - 10 % are peace loving, knowledge oriented, self-controlled and far sighted.
  • Kshatriya - with Rajas 60%, sattva - 30% and tamas - 10% are dynamic, fearless, go-getters, good leaders
  • Vaishya -with  rajas 60%, tamas - 30 % and sattva 10% are resourceful, active, and profit making and seeking
  • Shudra - with tamas 60% rajas 30%, sattva 10% are good followers and helpers.

Guna can hence be understood as an attitude of the mind. Highly selfless person is Brahmana, fairly selfless is kshatriya, fairly selfish is vaishya and highly self centered is shudra.


When it comes to the Karma(profession chosen by them) Categorization is:

Brahmanas are thinkers , visionary, teachers artists etc

Kshatriya are leaders, rulers, law enforcers…etc

Vaishya are those who mobilize.resources, create wealth etc

Sudra are laborers 

What is the Relationship between Guna and karma?

All beings are equal but they cannot do everything. It is only logical that a person should be engaged in work in which he is good and efficient. When people take up the karma (jobs) according to their gunas (natural inclination) they do the work naturally, tirelessly, efficiently and joyfully. If karmas do not match the gunas, there is a lot of hypocrisy in life. When 4 varnas do their own work for common good, the nation or organization prospers.

Even in our own body the head is the brahmana, the arms are Kshatriya, the stomach is the vaishya and the  legs and feet are sudras. No part or function is considered superior even though the head is held high.

Is Varna based on birth? 

Our past karmas and inclinations decide our parents and lineage we are born in. due to hereditary traditions, they take up the jobs too. Hence this is a secondary factor in categorizing the four varnas.

Misuse of varna system:

The misunderstanding and misuse of the varna system has caused suffering to all. The power hungry and greedy made birth the primary basis of categorization and exploited and suppressed certain communities depriving their rights and dignity. The right understanding and use of the universal system will bring cure to society.

We had a relatively shorter class with the Grade 9 play. The next class we will be discussing a few case scenarios on the caste system issues in modern society.


Sirisha and Rashmi