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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

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Mar 3, 2024 - Grade 1 (Sunday PM)

Hari Om everyone,

We started the class with Om, opening prayer and started on our chapters. We did a recap of the Ramayana. Each child told at least one sentence to the class.
Chapter 20
-Jatayu warns Ravana to not take Sita. He attacks Ravana.
-Ravana cuts Jayayu's wings and takes Sita away. 
-Sita tries to fight back. As they are flying over the land, Sita leaves a trail of her jewels.
-Ravana arrives at Lanka with Sita and takes her to Asokavana, a Beautiful lonely garden.
-Ravana pleads with Sita to be his wife. Sita refuses.
-Ravana tells Sita she has 1 year to change her mind. If she refuses, he will eat her.
-Raksasis are asked to scare Sita and to try to change her mind.

Chapter 21

-Rama comes back to the hermitage and meets Laksmana.
-Rama asks Laksmana, "Why have you disobeyed me? Why did you leave Sita alone?"
-Laksmana tells Rama that Sita started crying, told him that he has evil intentions, and was ready to go into the pyre.
-Rama is very sad. He asks the trees, Kadamba, Asoka, sandalwood, if they have seen his Sita.
-Laksmana tries to reason with him. He tells Rama that he has endured his banishment, father's death with courage and strength. He reassures Rama that surely a raksasa has taken Sita. They will go after the raksasa.
-They start to walk through the forest and see Sita's broken garland, footsteps, broken sword, crown, dead charioteer and mules. They realize that there has been a struggle here.
-Rama sees Sita's jewels and gets angry. Rama takes out his astras to destroy the world.
-Laksmana again calms him down and reminds him that he stands for love and good will. How can Rama destroy the world?
-They continue on in their search and find Jatayu bleeding.
-Rama and Laksmana wash his wounds and comfort him.
-Jatayu tells Rama that he is sorry that he could not stop Ravana and that Ravana has taken Sita south.
-Jatayu dies. Rama and Laksmana perform the last rites for the devoted Jatayu.

Bhajan- kids enjoyed Rama bhajan, khate bhi Ram kaho (page 145 in My Prayers)

Saanvi and Aakash practiced their shlokas, Gita chanting in front of everyone.

Game- we played 4 corners with recalling who/what was in Ayodhya, Mithila, Forest and Lanka.
Next class is Sunday, March 17th.

Shlokathon is on March 9th. Do not forget to register.

Seva/field day is on March 16th from 1-4 pm.
With our Guru's Blessings,
Saratha and Kavita