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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

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Mar 3, 2024 - Kindergarten (Sunday AM)

Hari Om Parents,

Today was the 17th class of Balavihar!!  Here is the summary of what we covered in the class today:

Opening Prayers:  We together chanted three OMs and then chanted the Opening Prayers - Sahana Vavatu. 

Introduction of the Next Letter: We introduced the next letter "N"' - is for Nobility-upholding high moral standards and strong character. And that we can be noble by taking care of others and putting others needs first.

Brainstorming: We discussed noble deeds and how we can do simple deeds for others by putting others' needs first and helping others.  And we can develop noble qualities by learning from great people. We discussed Noble people like Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln etc. - who lived many years ago and did many Noble deeds and helped mankind. And we can develop noble qualities by learning from them.

Storytime: Noble Cow:  We learnt that being truthful and righteous is always rewarding, And we should show compassion towards all.

Yoga time: Jumping Jacks, Tree pose, snake pose, Lion pose, stretch exercises.

Introduction of the Next Letter: Introduced the next letter 'O' - is for Obedience which means dutifully doing what one is told to do without protesting. We discussed why we need to listen and obey our parents, elders and teachers and not argue, as they by their experience know what is good for us and will keep us safe and happy.

Brainstorming: We discussed what will happen if the Sun does not set in the evening? What happens if mom does not cook food every day? What happens if no one will follow the road signs? Why is there a need to do everything in order? because otherwise there will be chaos. And when everyone and everything works in orderly fashion there will be 'harmony'.
To maintain this harmony, all things and beings have to obey the rules of nature. Through different scenarios, we went over why kids need to obey and explained that sometimes even if we do not like what we hear and what we have to do, as it is in our best interest to listen and obey.

Story of the Obedient Boy: We learnt that being Obedient has its rewards.

Attendance: was taken, each kid responded by saying Hari Om.

Shivratri: We discussed Shivaratri , and told the story of a hunter who offered Bilva patra to Shiva on the night of Shivaratri and became blessed by Shiva's darshan and got his blessings. We learnt and sang a small Shiv Bhajan and chanted Om Namah Shivaya a few times.

It was another very interactive and lively session with kidsWe learnt 2 letters today 'N' and 'O'. And then we assembled in the prayer hall and watched the Grade 6 class performance and stated the pledge.

 Have a wonderful week ahead!! 

Mahalakshmi & Chandarani.