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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

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Apr 28, 2024 - Kindergarten (Sunday AM)

Hari Om Parents,

Today was the  23rd class of Balavihar!!  Here is the summary of what we covered in the class today:

Opening Prayers:  We together chanted three OMs and then chanted the Opening Prayers - Sahana Vavatu. All the kids chanted together.

Recap:  We did the Alphabet chant together until the Letter 'X'.

Introduced the next Letter:Letter Y - Yajna is a fire ritual performed to please God. And Yajna Spirit is to work towards a common cause with dedication, sacrifice and service.
Brainstorming: We discussed what Yajna is - a fire ritual performed by the priests with Vedic chanting and special offerings in order to appease Gods and bring about auspiciousness and good for all. 
And we discussed Yajna Spirit - is the work done by many people together for a common goal, examples like people who do volunteer work in terms of food drive, blood drive, toy drive, helping in temples etc. And discussed how all the scientists and doctors worked hard and created the vaccine for Coronavirus to help mankind.

Exploration: We discussed a couple of scenarios which shows Yajna Spirit how everyone got together to do the Akhand Ram Charit Manas in the ashram this week, how firefighters get together and help the family from fire.And how many organizations get together to help for a noble cause.
Then we showed them via youtube video how a real Yajna ( homam) is performed by priests sitting around the holy fire, and special mantras are chanted, while special offerings are offered in the holy fire. And we discussed this as one way to please God.

Introduced the next Letter 'Z-Zeal is doing things with great passion, enthusiasm, fervor, and eagerness'

Exploration: We discussed a couple of scenarios and home projects which each of us perform with passion and eagerness. And we explained to kids, small projects like this help us build our passion and enthusiasm. And for the Alphabet chant we chanted 'Bal Vihar Zindabad'.

Attendance: was taken by each kid saying 'Hari Om' when their name was called out.

Activity: Kids were provided color papers , were asked to draw anything they wanted and Color it. Some kids did some amazing drawings and colored beautifully.

After this, we went to the Assembly for aarthi and the Pledge.

It was another very collaborative session with kids. Kids happily participated and shared their ideas and views. We completed letters Y, and Z.

Have a wonderful week ahead!! 

Note:  Next class is on May5th, 2024.  

Mahalakshmi & Chandarani.