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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

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April 28, 2024 - Grade 3 (Sunday PM)

Hari Om Parents, 

This week we discussed about the six sharks of our life as told by the four Sanatkumaras. The six sharks are Anger, greed, desire, delusion, pride and jealousy. When we allow these six sharks to arise in our mind it will only lead us to destruction. But when we see unity in all living beings there is no chance of any of these six sharks to enter our hearts and ruin our lives. Kids gave a lot of options with regard to these six sharks. Very happy to see children actively participating in class. Their involvement keeps us motivated. We gave them a crossword puzzle to do which they did with great enthusiasm. Those children who were not able to complete and those who did not attend BV, we are posting the puzzle and the words. Please make them do it. 

Then we saw the story of Puranjana. Once there lived a king called Puranjana. He had a very close friend called Avijnata. But no one knew where he lived. The king roamed every where to satisfy his desires. But nowhere was he able to find satisfaction. At last he came across a beautiful city with nine gates and Puranjana started dwelling in that city. He married a beautiful princess and he was very happy with her. But alas one day a monster stroke the kingdom and Puranjana was driven out of the city and he had also lost his dear wife and everything. With her in his thoughts, he one day died. In the next birth, Puranjana was born as a maiden and now she married a king. But here also she lost her husband and was about to cremate herself when a brahmin stopped her from doing so and gave her the knowledge of the Jivatma and Paramatma. 

The main idea of the story is Puranjana represents the Jivatma which roams about in the world of desires to satisfy his own desires. He comes across the nine gate city which is this human body and the jivatma called Puranjana was able to satisfy his desires in this human body. But how long can this continue? The body will one day be carried away by Time. The friend called Avijnata is the Absolute Self, the Paramatma. 

So we must devote ourselves to the Lord and try to attain his lotus feet before it is too late. This story was told by Sage Narada to Pracinabarhi who kept on performing yagnas. Even performing yagnas will acquire good karma which is also a golden chain. Any chain we are bound with, whether it is golden or iron, we are imprisoned. We must break these chains and get ourselves liberated from this cycle of karma.  

Our next class is on 5th May. See you all in the next class. 

Thank you, 
Maneesha Bhatt
Malathy Balasubramanian