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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

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Apr 5, 2024 - Grade 6 (Friday)

    Hari Om Parents, 

    Please find the below update from our class on Friday April 5th, 2024.


    Class began with Opening Prayers  - 3 OMs, followed by the chanting of Sahana Vavatu. Then invoked the blessings of Lord Ganesha, Goddess Saraswati and all our Gurus, by chanting..

    Śri Ganeshaya Namah!

    Śhri Saraswathyai Namah!

    Śhri Sad-Gurubhyo Namah!

    Shlokas: ( My Prayers Book)

We recited  the Daily Prayers ( page#11) in the order of:
    Karagre Vasate
    Samudra Vasane
    Gange cha Yamune
    Sarasvati Namastubhyam
    Shubham Karoti
    Kara-charana-krtam vak
    As per our curriculum, we proceeded to learn the Devi Dhyana Shloka (page #39). We recited Mahalakshmi Ashtakam (page 40) all verses in the class. We learnt to chant the Mahishasuramardini Stotram (verses 1-8).

    Kindly encourage the kids to memorize these and recite them at appropriate times throughout the day. Thus instilling in them, not just the learning part but to put all that they learn, into practice in their daily routine.

Mahabharata Summary:
Fourth day of the battle
On the fourth day, Bhishma arrayed the Kaurava forces again. Surrounded by Drona, Duryodhana and others, the grandsire looked verily like great Indra, holding his thunderbolt surrounded by the devas. Arjuna watched the hostile movements from his chariot, whereon the Hanuman flag was waving, and he too got ready. The battle commenced. Aswatthama, Bhurisravas, Salya, Chitrasena and the son of Chala surrounded Abhimanyu and attacked him. The warrior fought like a lion opposing five elephants. Arjuna saw this combined attack on his son and, with a wrathful lion-roar joined his son where the tempo of fighting flared up. Dhrishtadyumna also arrived with a large force. The son of Chala was killed. Chala himself now joined and he, with Salya, made a strong attack on Dhrishtadyumna. The latter's bow was severed into two by a sharp missile discharged by Salya. Abhimanyu saw this and sent a shower of arrows on Salya and put him in such danger that Duryodhana and his brothers rushed to Salya's help. Bhimasena also appeared on the scene at this juncture. 
When Bhima raised his mace aloft, Duryodhana's brothers quailed. Duryodhana, who saw this, was exceedingly angry and immediately charged at Bhima with a large force of elephants. As soon as Bhima saw the elephants coming up, he descended from his chariot, iron mace in hand, attacked them so fiercely that they scattered in a wild stampede, throwing the Kaurava ranks into disorder. The slaughtered mammoths lay dead on the field like great hills. Those that escaped fled in panic and caused great havoc in the Kaurava army, trampling numerous soldiers in their wild career. 
Duryodhana, thereupon, ordered a wholesale attack on Bhima, but he stood firm as a rock and presently, the Pandava warriors came up and joined him. A number of Duryodhana's arrows struck Bhima's chest and he climbed up his chariot again. Bhima's arrows would have killed Duryodhana then and there, had it not been for his armour. Eight of Duryodhana's brothers were slain in that day's battle by Bhima. Duryodhana fought fiercely. Bhima's bow was smashed by one of Duryodhana's arrows. Taking up a fresh bow, Bhima sent an arrow with a knife edge at Duryodhana which cut the latter's bow into two. Not baffled by this, Duryodhana took up a fresh bow and discharged a well-aimed shaft which struck Bhima on his chest with such force that he reeled and sat down. The Pandava warriors now poured a great shower of arrows on Duryodhana. 
Ghatotkacha, who saw his father sit dazed with the force of the blow, got exceedingly angry and fell on the Kaurava army, which was unable to stand against his onslaught. The grandsire ordered his army to retire for the night. Duryodhana sat musing in his tent, his eyes filled with tears. He had lost many of his brothers in that day's battle. Dhritarashtra, on hearing the narration from Sanjaya, was plunged into great grief.

Fifth day of the battle
When Sanjaya related the happenings of the great battle on the fifth day, Dhritarashtra lamented, unable to bear his grief. Sanjaya tried to calm the king. He reminded the king that since the Pandavas rested on the strength of a just cause, they won. But his sons, although brave, their thoughts were wicked. They had done great injustice to the Pandavas, and were reaping the harvest of their sins. 
When the fighting was stopped on the evening of the fourth day, Duryodhana went by himself to Bhishma's tent and, bowing reverently, asked him what was the mystery behind this daily defeat of our army at the hands of the Pandavas, although their army had the best of warriors. Bhishma replied that he had advised Duryodhana to make peace with the Pandavas, but he had disregarded it. Duryodhana had wronged the Pandavas and was reaping the results of his past actions. Bhishma said that the Pandavas were protected by Krishna himself. He reminded Duryodhana that Destruction awaited him if he insulted Dhananjaya and Krishna, who were none other than Nara and Narayana.
Duryodhana took leave and went to his tent, but he could not sleep that night. The battle resumed the next morning. Bhishma arrayed the Kaurava forces in a strong formation; so did Dhrishtadyumna, the Pandava army. Bhima stood at the head of the advance lines as usual, and Sikhandin, Dhrishtadyumna and Satyaki stood behind, securely guarding the main body, aided by other generals. Dharmaputra and the twin brothers held the rear. Bhishma bent his bow and discharged his shafts. The Pandava army suffered greatly under the grandsire's attack. Dhananjaya saw this and retaliated by fierce shafts aimed at Bhishma. 
Drona's powerful attack on the Pandava army was too much for Satyaki who was meeting it and Bhima, therefore turned his attention to Drona. The battle grew fiercer still. Drona, Bhishma and Salya made a combined attack on Bhima. Sikhandin supported Bhima by pouring a shower of arrows on Bhishma. As soon as Sikhandin stepped in, Bhishma turned away, for Sikhandin was born a girl, and Bhishma's principles did not permit him to attack a woman. In the end, this same objection proved to be the cause of Bhishma's death. When Drona saw Bhishma turn away, he attacked Sikhandin fiercely and compelled him to withdraw.  
In the afternoon, Duryodhana sent a large force to oppose Satyaki. But Satyaki destroyed it completely and advanced to attack Bhurisravas. Bhurisravas, who was a powerful opponent, put Satyaki's men to fight, and pressed Satyaki himself so fiercely that he was in distress. Satyaki's ten sons saw their father's plight and sought to relieve him by launching an offensive against Bhurisravas, but Bhurisravas undaunted by numbers, opposed the combined attack and was not to be shaken. His well-aimed darts broke their weapons and they were all slain, strewn on the field like so many tall trees struck down by lightning. Satyaki, wild with rage and grief, drove forward at a furious pace to slay Bhurisravas. The chariots of the two warriors dashed against each other and crumbled to pieces and the warriors stood face to face with sword and shield in desperate single combat. Then, Bhima came and took away Satyaki by force into his chariot and drove away, for Bhima knew that Bhurisravas was an unrivalled swordsman and he did not want Satyaki to be slain. Arjuna killed thousands of warriors that evening. The soldiers, despatched against him by Duryodhana, perished like moths in the fire. As the sun went down and Bhishma gave orders to cease fighting, the princes of the Pandava army surrounded Arjuna and greeted him with loud cries of admiration and victory. The armies on both sides retired to camp along with the tired horses and elephants.

Bhagavad Gita: Verses 22 - 30 from chapter 4 were taught and rehearsed this week, following our Swamiji Swami Shantanandaji's chanting video. 

Class Reflection:
The next topic that is assigned to the children is "Saints of India". They can make a powerpoint presentation or a poster board with the following details. 
  • Life of the Saint (their life journey from young age onwards)
  • From the teachings of the Saint, what was one key philosophical message that you liked
  • Mention how you will adopt and follow the key message in your life
The presentation should be less than 10 minutes.If the children prefer to use powerpoint, please have them complete the slides and post it in google classroom. The children will be presenting during the last couple of weeks in May. Updated dates will be posted in google classroom.

Aarathi: We assembled at the main prayer hall for aarathi and concluding prayers.

Please have the children do their daily prayers regularly and also practice the ślokas and Gita chanting.

Thank you! See you back on Friday Apr 12th, 2024.

Viji Lakshmi Hari and Anupama Sivakumar 

Friday Grade 6 sevikas